Monday, July 23, 2018

Providing More Choices?

Dear Dingo:
I recently read that the 'though shall not be named' administration is pushing the World Health Organization to weaken it's stance on breast feeding. The 'administration' claims that they simply want women to have more "choices" and this has nothing to do with funds from formula makers....could this be true??

But of course!
The current 'administration" is all about  excellent choices for all Americans!! 
Now you are finally able to choose increased fuel consumption, reduced water quality or less of those pesky National Monuments.

How about the choice to attend bogus for-profit universities with no discernible educational outcome!? Or the choice to have weakened consumer protections?? 

Even the choice to shoot your mother if she is experiencing a mental health crisis! (take that Obamacare-- preexisting conditions: solved). 

Yes, yes- as we all know, they are very, very concerned with women's choices. Just look at the Supreme Court nominations!