Dear Dingo:
You seem to have less to say these days. Any suggestions for the large pile of Democrats throwing themselves into the upcoming presidential election??
Avoid using your brain. Long complicated platforms with boring logical solutions don't matter to anyone anymore. Just keep it simple stupid.
1- Nobody will change a rabid Trump supporters mind. Nobody. You could post billboards with pictures of Trump eating babies all over the USA, and it would just be a waste of time.
2- Nyet, Nyet Putin net. Just hire a handful of those Silicon Valley Whiz kids to block the damn Russians already.
3- Consult with Steve Bannon. He is the one who knew to tap into racist fears, then produce a silly chant like: "Build the Wall". What else do uneducated swing voters fear? Perhaps zombies. Then scream: "Zap the Zombies" !
4- Campaign ads accomplish nothing. All those billions of dollars would be better spent sending every household in a swing state some ranch dressing and a picture of a puppy.