Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Pompeo vs. Mary Louise Kelly

Dear Dingo:

There is quite a bit of chatter regarding Mike Pompeo and "That NPR reporter" (as if she has no name). Pompeo seemed to be surprised that Mary Louise Kelly knew anything at all--including where Ukraine was located! However, Mary Louise Kelly (just like him) attended Harvard. Why would Pompeo think she is dumb?

He is a conservative. 
Conservatives have very strict gender perceptions, anything different would blow their fragile minds and egos.
To them a woman is to be:
1- Seen and not heard.
2- Seen only in makeup and dresses.
3- Young and Hot

Their naive thinking comes from lack of exposure to educated women. Unfortunately, the only ladies they encounter are either: Fox news hosts, lying ass crazy bitches (aka Kelly Anne Conway), their own repressed wives, and perhaps an occasional porn star.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pro Choice Trump

Dear Dingo:
I am especially perturbed that Rump (who was formerly very pro-choice) is now very fakely kissing evangelicals asses with his new found pro-life stance. To him, it is all just a game he wants to win. Not to mention, why do the right wingers feel that Americans have all sorts of "rights"-- yet they love to meddle with pro-choicers. Why the exception?

Because right-wing zealots want to make sure everyone gets an opportunity to kill their children slowly...Because this is America, damn it!

 You have the right to feed your children copious amounts of soda and sweets, rendering them obese and diabetic (don't worry the tax payers will cover the insulin!) You have the right to keep dangerous firearms at home (don't you worry that half the nation's suicides are by gun). 
You have the right to spray your verdant lawn with crazy chemicals and give your kids cancer and asthma. You have the right to pollute the environment, as collapsed pollinators and climate change conditions make lovely gifts for future generations!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

You Can't Choose Your Swing State Voters

Dear Dingo:
What is your own bitch perspective on the question--"can a woman be elected president?" 

From my days as a pup in Alaska--(aka a red state full of old sexist white men)
I did witness the unlikely election of a woman candidate called.....Sarah Palin!

As much as you may want to believe that the old men were wowed by her intelligence (lol) and policy ideas, they were not. The old horn bags admitted that their decision was based solely on the important factor of her being "hot". Proudly displaying "Coldest state, hottest governor" bumper stickers on their F-350 pick up trucks. 

This my human friends, is the kind of voter you are up against when we talk about swing states. Not kombucha sipping intellectuals discussing the importance of gender pronouns. 
And until you sissy la-las understand who your voters really are, you will be doomed.