Monday, May 24, 2021

How the Rabid Right Misunderstands Survival

 Dear Dingo:

The rabid right is always against Darwin or evolution being taught in the schools, yet they are the first to chant "survival of the fittest" when it comes to pandemic protections. What is with the selective survival?


Kind of like selective pro-life: applies only to unborn babies on American soil. Migrant children don't count. 

Yet I digress. What the right misunderstands is that "the strongest" have never survived---just ask the T-Rex how that worked out for him? Darwin's actual quote was:  the species that survives is the one that best adapts to change.

Like accepting new things,  hmmm... maybe masks and vaccinations....😉

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

So Don't Tread On Me Too!

Dear Dingo:

I live in a state that is still enforcing mask mandates, and all the local stores are as well. Yet, every day there is one anti-masker is in the store as well. They are always the same--pretending to act tough, yet so obviously uncomfortable--as humans don't really like to stand out that much!

I am tempted to confront them and explain the simple fact that we all live by rules that we don't necessarily agree with. Why can't they just understand that?


Because Don't Tread On Me only applies to rules they don't like!

For example, if you want to walk into a store barefoot with a pot belly pig on a leash, I am pretty sure these die hard anti-maskers would be the first to point out that you are in fact breaking the rules. 

Basically, by their logic --You put up your little Gadsden flag up and it all becomes a free for all! So here's your chance--even if you live in a conservative neighborhood--your wildest hippie dreams are now possible: Get day drunk with your pet peacock in the front yard, while blowing dandelion seeds towards the neighbors yard. Teach your non-binary kids all kinds of witchcraft, and make sure to mow the lawn topless (especially if female).  Don't Tread on Me....!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Have no Fear the Republicans are Not Near

Dear Dingo:

I fear for our future as a nation, when there are millions of folks willing to believe the lies of a stolen election or deny the importance of Covid vaccines, masks or even anything else considered sensible. Is reality as we know it over?


Far from it.

This, my friend, is simply the process of natural selection at work. When organisms better adapted to their environment survive to reproduce.

In order to adapt, you need to accept the truth--such as Covid may get you, so act accordingly. And repeating untruths, such as the election was rigged and stolen, is more funny than horrifying. That's right Republicans--why bother in 2022. If you don't trust democracy, then might as well stay home on election day!