Thursday, March 23, 2023

What if Your Freedom is My Unfreedom?

 Whenever the cerebral congresswoman Lauren Boebert has a hissy fit, it always contains the word Freedom!

She's all about Guns and Freedom! And keeping big government away from her freedom! Especially if the freedom is to be ignorant, drop out of high school and have babies...

Yet, here's the kicker--just last week, Ms. freedom loving Boebert, was the first one to testify at a Fish and Wildlife meeting regarding the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado. And was she testifying on behalf of those that want the freedom! to enjoy the American wilderness as God intended it to be? No.

She wanted that pesky Government agency to keep wolves away from Colorado. Because to her, wolves are dangerous. Never mind that millions of Americans believe guns are dangerous, and they would enjoy the freedom! of going to school, Walmart, or church without the fear of being shot.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Helping DeSantis Understand Ukraine

Ron DeSantis could be considered an educated bird on some subjects. 

Geopolitics is not one of them.

If out of the blue, the Mexican Army decided to forcefully "take back their historical land" (that's 500,000 square miles by the way)- surround California, Arizona and Texas with tanks, drive them in, launch missles at power plants, blow up apartments in Phoenix and Houston, abduct Texan children and rape a few dames along the way, would it be a measly border dispute?

And with DeSantis fabulous precedent, other nations turn the other way, throw up their hands and say "not my problem"!