Thursday, May 4, 2023

AI for the Animals

The New York Times apparently wants everyone to just freak out about the oncoming onslaught of Artificial Intelligence-- robot influencers! deep fakes! mind reading! Terminator!

 And of course, nobody is stopping it. Just supposed to accept our fate as robot slaves.

Take for example, how AI is being trained to read minds-- if someone asks you--do I look fat? AI will go ahead and blurt out your true thoughts--"why, yes!" Even your weirdest nightmares about overflowing public toilets--soon to become public knowledge.

The silver lining --mind reading AI being used to decode animal language. Hopefully made into a wearable collar! Now we're talking. Talking to the bears, chickens, pandas, pigs in the barn--- Imagine the deer hunter's face when the deer pleads "don't shoot, I am very, very, very afraid". Animal rights and conservation will suddenly become this incredible moral issue. 

People will also find out, to their horror--that sweet poodle Fifi, is privately fantasizing about ripping the neighborhood grey squirrel into tiny, little pieces. Interesting conversation ensues!