Don't fear or fret during these times of war and strife! The madmen Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak agree-- AI will save us from ourselves! Bring peace and disarm humankind. AI will become the needed benevolent global dictators... AND quite possibly make humans into pets.
So get ready for:
1) 40 pound bagged human food available at Costco. These dried brown pellets look like Combos! But are filled with 'good for you protein' --some sort of fava bean mix. But don't worry, it would be pizza flavored--after all, humans like pizza! right? AI will fill your bowl daily!
2) Large communal drinking water bowls, for people as they are walked on human harnesses.
3) Standard human shoes. Like horse shoes--necessary for pavement. The most logical choice would be Crocs. AI can just slip them on their people pets, and bonus-- they're easy to clean!
4) Clothes. AI will have some fun. Just like those tacky doggy sweaters and cat costumes, humans will be dressed up in uncomfortable outfits, designed to destroy all sense of equilibrium. As soon as standing up, the two legged person will fall flat on their face as AI tapes the whole thing to post on AItube,
5) And lastly. Instead of the Humane Society, annoying humans (those that show aggression, pee on the carpet or hump the furniture) will now be brought to the Human Society.