Monday, February 5, 2024

Things You Are Doing That Are Totally Lemming

After some careful canine centered research, I've sniffed out some ludicrous lemming fads. Just stop and think: "Do I even like this?"

1) Gray luxury vinyl flooring.  This is a twofer. Adding the word "luxury" doesn't make anything fancy. You can't have a luxury 1997 Honda Civic, nor a Luxury Twinkie. Even worse is the color GRAY. Oy vey. Nobody likes gray. Do people travel to gray, rainy climates? No. Didn't the whole Soviet Union with their ubiquitous gray everything come crashing down? Yes.

2) Lip Fillers. When did looking like a cod fish become sexy? There is no way in heck this looks remotely natural. Or is that the point? Look at me, I can afford weird ass lips?

3) In and Out French Fries. Lines, lines, long as lines. Everyone waiting for their In and Out Burger. The burgers are fine, but let's be honest-- the most soggy, flavorless fries OUT there.