Monday, November 11, 2024

What Peanut the Porn Squirrel Proves About the GOP

Elon. Elon. Maybe one of those millions of Musk babies can explain to him what "cite your sources" means. Obviously bouncing boy Elon has zero time to fact check or verify anything. Yet his ADHD riddled brain continues to impulsively post on X.

Case in point: posting about Peanut the squirrel. Cute little animal, died in vain.
Very unfortunate. RIP Peanut. BUT if Elon (doesn't this billionaire have any staff?) had dug deeper into the story, he would have known the gov't was sent to poor Peanuts home to investigate his living conditions. Because this squirrel was being used to promote very pervy porn. Probably without his consent. 
So is Elon saying the GOP supports this? Isn't this the party of Project 2025, who will be enthusiastically euthanizing all pervs sometime next year?

What about Elon's post about Nancy Pelosi's husband, when he was viciously attacked by a home intruder? Instead of spending 30 seconds fact checking, Elon mindlessly posted ridiculous rumors that said intruder was a male prostitute. 
(And this was somehow the more believable story??) 

How is it possible that Elon can possibly spot Government inefficiency, when his definition of efficiency apparently means morbid inaccuracy?

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Republicans Will Never Allow Kennedy to "Go Wild on Health"

Poor little R.F. Kennedy Junior. He is under the spell of the conniving orange troll, who has mischievously promised him a magical health care wand.

First: Either the orange troll is lying through his fake teeth, or is a know nothing.
There is no "mystery" behind chronic disease and lifestyle illness amongst children.
The television loving troll may remember the program "Leave it to Beaver". Aha--the good old days. 

Blatant sexism aside, US chronic health conditions could easily be addressed requiring mandatory watching of Leave it to Beave!
Dinner around the table, protein, potatoes, vegetables and milk. Parents drinking tea. What is missing? Giant soda pops, screens, gmo wheat laden cakes and chips. Kids are not pale and sickly, but tan and riding bicycles. 
(wow! Billions of research dollars saved!)

Second: Any politician that has tried to address these chronic health conditions , gets shot down by...wait for it....tada...Republicans!
(Anyone remember Bloomberg trying to limit Big Sugary Sodas?) Or Trumps assault on the EPA, which now Kennedy is under the illusion will be mandated to Step Up regulation of harmful agricultural pesticides? 

Republicans fundamentally believe we have the Freedom to destroy our bodies.  People really like their pesticides, pepsi and bright pink peeps. And the Republican party will continue to fight for your right to become an obese, chemical filled couch potato. (That you may or may not wind up making your romantic partner 😉 )