But that was the easy part. I'm sorry for the indignity you have experienced in the lower 48! Sickened by the ridiculous heart worm pesticides and prescribed poison potions, so foreign to your 13 year old organic body. The barbaric apartment complex with their racist (doggist) "no huskies allowed" policy. And the heat. The relentless heat, that makes your tongue hang out to the floor and your mouth gape open with that maniacal grin. And then your silly human got confused by all this and took you to "the vet", seeking help for your awkward gaits and ailments. Dr. Dork was unfamiliar with your mysterious Northern ways and growling jowls, and felt it was accurate to callously blurt: "this dog has dementia!"
Alas, the Dingo is not demented. I can assure you--just out of place, adapting to the new soils, smells, and slugs of Oregon. The humans on the other hand, well that is another story....
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