Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Secret to Suburban Living

Upon ones arrival to the Pacific Northwest, it becomes rather apparent that there is no stigma attached whatsoever to the excessive consumption of beer or wine. In fact, it is enthusiastically encouraged to continuously support your local vineyards or micro-brewers, ciders or whatever other fermented beverage happens to hit the market that week.
The vast amount of locations where all this wine and beer libation is encouraged can be rather mesmerizing--be it the public parks, street fairs, food courts, beer stands at Whole Foods, wine bars at Fred Meyer grocery stores or even the "Loaded Brush" wine and art class studios...
Naturally, I assumed this constant libation had something to do with the overall friendliness of the Oregonian community. But apparently I missed one other important piece of the puzzle. 
Clue # 1 The terse exchange of words between parents during trick or treating, regarding the acceptability of smoking whatever one desires on a public street amongst the frolicking children.
Or maybe hint # 2--The constant odor. As I was complaining to a neighbor about the local wondering skunk, I was sweetly reprimanded:
 " Honey, that's no skunk--that's just pot." 
Hmmm, so apparently many of the overly-friendly neighbors are pursuing their interest in personal use mary-jane. So there you have it-- maybe they aren't crazy, overly social folk after all. Maybe they are just stoned...

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