As is my daily habit, I began the morning by scanning the Google News headlines. And what a grisly set they were!!! Apparently, we are double doomed here on earth... Stock market plunging! Fisheries depleting! Warmest year on record!...But none of these spell out the end of our species as obviously as: "Sarah Palin gives speech endorsing Trump!"
Why oh why is she still relevant news? Why are people even interested in her?? Is it the Alaska thing (but aren't we over that already?) It can't be her awesome articulation and cognitive abilities (?)..Leaving me to believe there is only one last thing going for her--looks.
There is a simple truth about good looking women that nobody wants to admit (come on just admit it!!) People listen to them--maybe not all people--but men do. Men might not even be listening to what they are 'saying'--but they like to watch their hair and boobs jiggle while they are 'talking'. Maybe imagine those spiky red heels in the air..This is a fact. If Sarah Palin gained 75 pounds and had a goiter on her forehead, she would magically disappear from political circles....(not the tabloids though--they would love the "before" and "after" pictures).
Men have a terrible weakness for beautiful women (as some women do for rich men--do you think Fifty shades would be remotely sexy if the main character was dirt poor??! NO. (Forced sex by a poor man is called rape. By a billionaire, it's fun! Got it?)
But I regress...
Trump himself is a perfect example of the biological truth that men love a pretty face. Just ask his ex-wife what happens if a woman dares to 'age'. Or maybe he just discovered that she used the bathroom...?? Either way, my advice to Silly Sarah is---while you are hanging out with your new friend Donald, keep up on that lipstick and heels, but don't ever, ever, excuse yourself to use the outhouse....
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