Friday, August 26, 2016

Welcome to the Lower 48

So it's been a little over a year since we made the long, long trek from Alaska to Oregon.
I, as the chronically chilly female, am enjoying the nice, hot summer we have been having here. The other troops in our entourage are experiencing adaptation issues....

First martyr:
 The child--breaks out in heat rashes and bloody noses from sticking face in AC. Must sleep with wet towel on head, even when the air conditioning is on.

Auto #1 has developed a bizarre, impossible to diagnose overheating issue. It simply hates hot.

Ditto for auto #2. After installing AC (which was obviously unnecessary in Alaska) the whole computer system had a severe stroke. Most recent text from driver of said car (on 100 degree day) "Hello, vehicle lost its mind again, started flashing lights and the AC went off. Both of my phones overheated, then car proceeded to seize up in parking lot. Running late".

Lastly the dog. Every time she goes outdoors in 85 degree (or higher) temperatures, she begins panting with a maniacal urgency that we find unnerving. This panting may or may not lead to a mild seizure. 

We have found that shaving the dog helps cool her down. But how do you shave the cars??

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