Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rush Limbaugh is Hitler

I obviously have some sort of self destructive impulse. While meandering through my beloved satellite radio stations, I just couldn't help but stop upon hearing Rush Limbaugh's blaring voice.

Morbidly curious as to what this blowhard would say on a "happy day", I allowed myself to linger in his pool of verbal drivel for a few minutes. Just a few, maybe only 2. Unfortunately, instead of being joyful and content for once in his pharmaceutical laden life, he couldn't stop spewing lies.

I kid you not, regarding anti-Trump protests in various cities today. Rush said : "There is no outrage, the people have spoken". "Those protesters are being PAID by the democratic party". "Nobody is angry, all Americans want a conservative agenda". "We don't need to work together at all".

Throughout this whole slimy process, I find his dishonest and dismissive attitude to take the depressing cake. Insisting that the other side doesn't even exist?? That those people have no voice?? 

 Why do we allow people like Limbaugh to spew lies day after day? Is it really 1st amendment when it becomes dishonest propaganda..? That is how Hilter got Germans to hate the Jews (!) and it is a real weapon--not free speech.

I can accept that Americans are blundering fools who think Donald Trump is entertaining, or a "good old boy" or whatever. But when you hear the type of stuff many Trump supporters believe, and they have been spoon fed conspiracy theories and lies---and when these outright lies drive their vote-- it is not a Democracy we live in anymore.

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