Saturday, January 7, 2017

Only Bullies Need Stupid

Dear Dingo:
I noticed that the orange lunatic that will be the next US president, tweeted that "only stupid people don't want to be friends with Russia". Why does this Putin puppet constantly talk like a naughty 3rd grader?

Bullying 101 : always use demeaning and immature words to degrade others and assert yourself, as this requires less energy than throwing aimless punches.

Keeping with the spirit of the 'make America hate again' vocabulary, let me explain why it is in fact, stupid to be friends with Putin.

Putin and company are not only corrupt thugs, they are huge fans of Russian (and Soviet) propaganda--because it works!! (For those too stupid to know, propaganda in the US is now called "fake news"). Propaganda gets shit done in Russia, as it confuses people and weakens democracy. When people loose trust in the stupid system and question the stupid mainstream media--  corrupt and ineffective leaders gain power to inflict their stupid agendas. But the agendas are not just stupid in Russia, they are dangerous. (Ask Ukraine or any intellectual that has been sent to the stupid Gulag).

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