Dear Dingo:
If you live anywhere near a red state or listen to Tucker C. on Faux news, you get the sense that folks feel big bad government is out to take away liberty and will 'tread on you'. Why ?
Faux news has (in their spiteful brilliance) confused the uneducated masses into believing billionaire tech CEO's and the government are somehow a functional, integrated machine.
Fucker Carlson stated that the 'Government' is going to track you through EV technology. First off, you are being tracked--your IPhone, your ridiculous Facebook posts, all tracked. But the truth is rather boring-- no diabolical plot to take away your hoarded cooking oil, or shut down the energy grid (what on earth would be the point?) but only to ensure that pale nerds like Zuckerberg have enough $$ to afford massive amounts of sunblock and hoverboards for their Hawaii vacations.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares what Joe Blow is doing in his trailer in Wichita. (Unless he's selling arms to the Sandinistas or kiddie diddling). Ordinary folk are a pretty useless commodity--used only to be manipulated into voting against themselves by Russian bots at election time. Yet Joe Blow is the first dude to hoist his"Don't tread on me" flag from the back of his big ass pick up.
Why? Because he wants to feel important enough to actually be treaded on. 🐍😏
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