Monday, February 27, 2023

If Peter Thiel Lived on Earth, He Might Get Innovation Stagnation

Peter Thiel has been yammering on about American 'innovation stagnation' for years now. Where are the flying cars and trips to the moon? Medical advances? As always, he likes to blame the liberals and their ridiculous universities. Tiresome.

Never once has he attempted to remove his elitist head out of his own arse.

Ever hear of demand Peter? Kind of like why the Concorde failed, just wasn't the demand for supersonic jet travel. Remember a guy named Trump? Hates the idea of international travel- might he accidentally eat something interesting. Perhaps most Americans do too? Not to mention the disinterest in public moon walks anytime soon. At least not until there is Moon McDonalds. (I'll TM that, you're welcome)

The thing is, the naked apes prefer their simple pleasures. Even the ones with fistfulls of money--you know what they do? Purchase inflatable buttocks, get drunk on yachts, buy tiny tea cup pigglets and $900 pre-ripped Gucci jeans. There's your American innovation: gourmet mac & cheese served up in a stadium luxury box ;)  

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