Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Commander's Point of View

 We here at Dear Dingo, had the rare opportunity to interview President Biden's dog Commander, allowing him the chance to explain his side of the biting allegations.

DD: Hello (insert quick butt sniff)

Commander: Hello to you to (returns butt sniff)

DD: So, you currently live in a gigantic dome house filled with weird smells.

Commander: That is correct.

DD: And how many back leg walkers, a.k.a. the humans, live with you?

Commander: Hmm, about the same amount as a large Canadian goose migration. Besides the old gray man and his wife, most of them come and go all day long.

DD: Some of these humans claim you have been acting aggressive and biting them.

Commander: I don't know what you consider "aggressive", but I have been correcting their behavior with my teeth, reminding them to keep clear.

DD: Why?

Commander: Duh, it is my job. I am a German Shepherd, a breed developed by Max von Stephanitz in Germany to protect flocks from predators. The old man needs my protection. He and his lady are my flock. I do not trust the constant parade of dark suit humans lurking around our freakishly large dome house.

DD: But if you continue with the biting, they may send you away, like they did to Major, the other German Shep protecting his flock.

Commander: I have heard of this Major, poor fellow. But I know no other way. It is deep in my blood to protect those that are weak from predation. As I have heard, with my fine ears, you just can't trust anyone in Washington DC.

DD: Thank you for your time. Good luck with that. Allow me to lick you quickly.

Commander: You are welcome (returns lick)

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