To the fearless defender of South Dakotan values, world traveler and dictator dabbler, may I introduce a radical idea? It's called Craigslist. My sources indicate this site is alive and well-- even in the remote enclave known as South Dakota.
Whenever you have an animal, lets say a purebred young dog with a high prey drive, what you do is: go to the community section, click pets and for free--(that's right!)-- for free, post a description of your so-called devil dog and just wait for some soft soul to drive up to your ranch and take the offending pup off your hands.
Admittedly, this will not make fascinating fodder for your future novels, but it is quite an effective way to keep your family "safe" from whatever perceived danger your paranoid brain conjures. (Fun fact--safety is what gun control supporters want for their families too!) And to the best of my knowledge, no wire-haired pointers (or any other canines for that matter) have ever been implicated in a school shooting.
And lastly, back in my day, if a child or anyone else got bitten by a dog--the first thing mom would say was: "well what did you do to the dog to make him bite you?"
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