The Tech Bros are having their moment, winning the world monopoly tournament. Completely emboldened to authorize how the rest shall live: 90 hour weekly hyper work, halting only for approved naps on the office floor, unwashed in sleeping sacks.
How can I say this nicely... But maybe get a life?
By Life --read a book, go to a concert, make a friend, get a dog, cook a meal, spend time with all your freakin kids, hike, swim, get a tan, light a fire and hygge.
While it may be true that technology is making people's lives easier, are people happier? Why is anxiety and depression increasing? Why are so many animal and plant species going extinct? And why are our brains being filled with micro-plastics?
Only a sociopath thinks its a grand idea to build a colony on mars, a land devoid of ample water, air or sunlight-- (ok, it's the proper environment for a pasty tech bro) If you really believe we need Mars to relocate humanity-- try fixing earth first.
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