Monday, August 12, 2019

Parasite or Economy?

Dear Dingo:

I was researching the surge in homeowner mosquito spraying services (as consumers fear new mosquito borne viruses) and discovered that the chemical industry is actually pretty damn excited about climate change and the need to produce more pesticides!
How can we ever solve any environmental problems, if these problems inadvertently produce economic growth?

Silly, silly human. Only now are you understanding that your "evolved" human economic systems are based on creating more problems, not solving them?

Imagine for a minute if every citizen of the developed world spontaneously gave up their cars, sodas, and lawns. Jogging to work from their sustainable tiny houses, all while stuffing themselves with organic produce grown in their very own rain gardens ? 
Jobs would disappear, the economy would collapse and we would have a lot more drum circles....

But alas, most people would not like this at all. They like wealth and employment opportunities. And employment comes from tearing down forests, building Mcmansions, and being sick.  Your anxiety, sleep deprivation, diabetes and all other health care --is the largest growth industry in the USA !! (a healthy herb sniffing hippie is useless to the economy)

Economists are not oncologists, they do not see that unlimited growth is also called cancer.

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