Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The True Enemy is Your Pants

Dear Dingo:
Here in the Pacific Northwest it has become quite popular to ban plastic straws at all eating establishments. I find the new paper straws whimsical, but feel they are a fashion trend, not an actual solution to plastic waste. Will using paper (or metal) straws really help anything?

Smart of you to ask a canine this, as dogs don't use plastic straws, cups or even forks for that matter! Animals are always eco, and those plastic poop baggies were never our idea!

That aside-- Americans do not really understand plastic waste. Your plastic straws probably get buried in a dump in Tacoma, not up a sea turtles nose. The great Pacific Garbage patch was/is mostly fed from Asian rivers, where plastic waste is dumped due to lack of garbage pick up or by overwhelmed recycling facilities.

But here is something to chew on: the jolly sea creatures fear your clothes more than your drinking straws.

35% of primary micro plastics in marine environments, come from textiles. 
That's right--your yoga pants (re: synthetic material) creates pollution and micro plastic run off -- that of course ends up in (where else?) Asian rivers that flow into the ocean. 

So Dingo recommends exercising in the buff (as she does) or at the very least, stop buying so many silly, non recyclable synthetic clothes to fill your ridiculous American closets with. Then go enjoy a cocktail with a wooden straw...

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