Thursday, September 26, 2019

Warren. Warren. Warren??

Dear Dingo:
What is it with Democrats and love for Elizabeth Warren? She has a good message and all, but hasn't anyone learned that swing state voters are just not into progressive women?


Correct. It looks like the Dems are smoking some kind of fabulous fairy dust. Delusional at best, they are utterly incapable of comprehending the simplest of facts:
 Only 107000 votes in three states decided the 2016 election !

If Dems truly want to avoid global doom, also known as Trumpelstiltskin, they must remove their rosy glasses and immediately question those 100,000 indecisive old white men. Who exactly would they vote for? If it is a dancing monkey, fine. Then put a dancing monkey on the ticket. 
This is no time for messing around with idealism, policy or normality.

**Note, if they don't care for the monkey ticket, perhaps the 2002 election will remind them of reality--those that idealistically voted for Nader, elected a president Bush. 

But alas, reality does not come easily for those hopped up on fairy dust...

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