Thursday, October 3, 2019

Acknowledge the Bigot Voters

Dear Dingo:

Trumpelstiltskin continues to amaze me with his incredibly loud stupidity and bullying Yet his MAGA supporters are unfazed, still completely enamored with him ! Please explain !

Once upon a time, I lived with another dog, a weaker dog. My humans read that they should let me (Dingo) dominate the weaker dog and there would be peace. So they allowed me to snarl, as it worked. Chaos and dog fights avoided. The weaker dog knew his place.

Humans are just two legged dogs.  Especially conservatives crave "order in the pack". Social Justice (for them) creates nothing but confusion and chaos. They feel weaker people should know their "place" and just shut up already. MAGA voters don't want equality.  Trumpeter is their hero, because he is the mouthpiece for bigotry, that they feel is actually righteous and necessary -- to keep order in the universe. (Yes, just like Darth Vader !) Welcome to the dark side.

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