Thursday, May 26, 2022

Murder is Not a Mental Health Condition

 Dear Dingo:

Who is correct on the gun debate?


You're all nuts--Take that talking point about mental health. Well perhaps some homicidal tendencies can be attributed to a mental disorder. But how about gang warfare, actual warfare, domestic violence, exterminating Natives or Nazi's doing Nazi stuff? Murder, murder, murder.

 Is the entire Russian army in Ukraine mentally ill? No. 

Humans are murderous. If one delves into the origins of Christianity (and the ironically murderous Crusades) the primary purpose was to stop those damn Europeans from slaughtering one another! Thus: Though shall not kill... Or off to hell you go!

But kids these days just don't buy into fear of eternal fire and hanging with a bright red goat man.

Yet they are allowed to buy semi automatic weapons. I don't believe the authors of the constitution ever imagined mounds of weapons available at your neighborhood big box store.

So what are you going to do? You can't just force people to believe in eternal damnation for their evil acts. But you can look at ways to keep society safer. The USA does not trust kids to drink beer until 21. Beer! But they trust them to buy semi-automatic weapons? That's just weird.

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