Wednesday, November 30, 2016

3 Million Illegal Republican Votes

Dear Dingo:
How is our Tweet-happy president elect so sure that 3 million illegal voters voted? Even if they did, who is to say they were votes for Democrats and not Republicans?

This is just another wonderful example of our future emperors' foot-in-mouth disease. If he knew anything about elections in the USA, he would know that Republicans are the highly motivated voters, not Democrats. Everybody knows Democrats have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the polls. If Dems can't even motivate legitimate voters to stand in line and fill in the little dots, how the hell did they pull off the divine miracle of convincing three million fake voters to falsify ID"s and risk jail time, simply to vote? 
Thus, the ONLY logical conclusion is that these millions of votes (that Trumper is so sure of!) were in fact cast for Republican candidates.  And of course, why he freaks out over recounts.

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