Sunday, January 22, 2017

How Darling Kelly-Anne Did "Not Get" the Women's March

Dear Dingo;
The sleep deprived court jester , a.k.a."Kelly-Anne Conway" says some crazy things, but I was most aghast by her snide statement that she "did not get the point of the women's march on Washington"... Didn't Mrs. Conway actually write a book titled: "What women really want"-- so of all people, shouldn't she at least get it??

I know you want the easy answer--that she is in fact a man, but no, no... I won't humor you that way...
Her book about : 'what women really want', was based on political type polling. The researchers found all sorts of shocking results : For example, women put their children's needs first ! Want flexible work schedules! And more sleep!! Wow! 
The pollsters (oddly enough) did not ask women if they want: a president that calls them "pigs". Nor did they ask any women about being represented by a man that mocks their "disgusting' bathroom breaks... I am pretty certain that the pollsters didn't even ask women if they wanted a president that "grabs them by the pussy". Thus, poor Kelly-Anne is a little confused and unaware that most women really, really do not want these things. After all, how could she know? She didn't ask...

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