Saturday, January 14, 2017

Republican Aggression

Dear Dingo:
Why are conservatives (or republicans) so nasty and mean to others? It seems that many right wing blogs and politicians have no problem screaming hurtful and mean words.  Are they even aware that others perceive them as as bullies and purveyors of cruel policies?

Scientists have discovered that republican and democrat brains are wired differently (true fact!) Conservatives feel the world is full of threats and thus cling to outdated notions of 'social order' and guns. Liberals are too "dumb" to see these threats, because their brains are wired to perceive empathy instead.
You silly humans have actually developed a term for when canines act like republicans--it's called fear aggression. Every dog whisper knows that snapping at all perceived threats is a behavior that requires modification. If not modified, fear aggression is treated with a muzzle. Not sure how to put one on Trump or L. Graham....but it's worth a try.

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