Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Weak Always Eat Last

Dear Dingo:

Why doesn't the Tyrant Toddler and his administration acknowledge the obvious increase in hate crimes these past 6 months in the USA? Why are they not accepting responsibility?

Dear Darling Human:

You poor thing, so naive.
In the thought process of the Tangerine Tyrant and his supporters, hate crimes are nothing more than social order "placement issues".  Putting people back in their proper place is *key* to making America great. Their whole world view is based on reducing justice, increasing non-equality and thus pissing on the weak. This (just like Darth Vader has said) will bring about: "order in the galaxy".

 It is so much easier for us canines to understand this twisted concept, as we too rule each other through strength and domination. However, we are a tad more evolved, as no canine has ever bullied another based solely on their breed standard or fur color. For example, a sheep dog wouldn't solely dominate terriers, nor do huskies bully poodles with frilly haircuts (although, perhaps they should). 

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