Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Right Wing Just Wants North America to be South America

Dear Dingo:
I can't really fathom what the rabid right wing wants the United States to become. It appears they would be happy as pie with armed guards in schools, nonexistent environmental laws and less health care for the poor. Am I seeing this correctly?

Absolutely!! The Tea Party Think Tank took a tour of the "zaniest places in Latin America", came back with a bucket list and poured it right onto the Republicans !

1) Armed guards and teachers in schools--of course! And don't forget the other places that have had mass shootings in the US -- malls, movie theaters, churches, post offices, night clubs...arm them all! Guards with machine guns everywhere!  Just like in the barrio! Our very own Caracas. 

2) Next, abolish the EPA and make sure there are lax environmental laws.  Lazy liberals just don't want to boil their tap water! And who doesn't like a good collapsed mine rescue story? Very MAGA. Heck--- why not bring back leaded gasoline already??

3) Reduce Social Security and Housing subsidies. I would imagine the shanty towns of South America really impress conservatives. Finally, keeping the poor and disabled where they belong---in tin huts!! Why should they get tax payer subsidized apartments? No, no, no they should just use good old mud for housing like in the old days. Toughen up already.

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