Monday, June 25, 2018

Attacking the Red Hen and New American Morals

Dear Dingo:
Please explain why in "our new America" it is perfectly fine to refuse baking a gay couple a sugary cake, yet outrage ensues if there is moral objection to a Trump employee? 

In today's America "moral rights" only matter if they poll well for the RNC --- otherwise known as the "Church of Trump".

For example: the Catholic Pope feels climate change is a real and morally important issue--but guess what? Doesn't matter! The "Church of Trump" trumps this !

Other important moral stances of "Church of Trump" or COT.

COT beliefs:
* Sex with porn stars is perfectly ok, as long as you lie to your wife about it
* Immigrants are only to be used for tacos and Trump's marriages
* Pre-existing medical conditions are your own problem
* Cakes are for straight people, the gays can have quinoa
* Guns are perfectly harmless, almost like cotton balls
* Incest is fine, as long as your daughter is hot

With these new confusing moral values, it probably makes more sense to simply join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, at least they have consistency and a beer volcano.

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