Thursday, July 27, 2017

Why Does One Baby Trump Another??

Dear Dingo:
I followed a news story about a terminally ill and disabled infant in Britain, that was denied extended and experimental medical care. Apparently, the hospital that made the choice to discontinue life support, was passionately attacked and even received death threats. Supposedly other hospitals, President Frump and even the Vatican offered to help save this one baby. 
Obviously to the parents, their child is special and incredibly loved.
But why was this child worthy of so much more financial and political support than other dying infants throughout the world??

It's called--Statistical Numbing.
One million dying infants matter less than the one you see a cute photo of.
(disclaimer: infant must be white) 

Here's what to do about it::

A) When you advocate for the Healthcare vote and the "right to healthcare" in the USA (and yes, folks-it is usually Medicaid that pays for critically disabled infants). Or as Trump supporters call them: "Leaches of the welfare state", those that "chose unhealthy lifestyles"....
 Remember to send a cute photo of each and every Medicaid recipient to your state senators.

B) Immigration. Parents that take risky boat trips and border crossings, only want the best medical care and futures for their children as well. They have the "right" to come to America. Please send individual photos of refugee children to your state representatives...
 Note: (You may need to photoshop here--photos should not include mom's with head scarves or darkish facial tones, as obviously these babies have no rights.)

C) UN funding. Again, every baby and child has the "right" to live with access to safe drinking water. Unicef and the UN, should be allocated increased funding for safe water programs in India, Africa, etc..
Again, more photos of babies here!!  (Note: photo must also include cute teddy bear, not tsetses flies please, major turn off).

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